The first search bar is based of pokemon home images, should have all forms and varients, use id 001-898
2nd Search bar is the same as first but has shiny pokemon
3rd Search bar uses the old style of images from the og site, no support for forms uses id 1-898
The following is more information on the 1st one
Search using the pokemons ID number, this is the national dex number that shows up on bulbapedia or serebbi
All ID numbers must be 3 digits long ie. Bulbasaur=001 , Pikachu=025
For an Aloan version enter the ID number hyphen a ie. 027-a will give you Aloan Sandshrew
For a Galar version enter the ID number hyphen g ie. 052-g will give you Galarian Meowth
For Gender forms use ID number hyphen f for the female version, the male version should be the base version
For a Mega Evolution use the ID number hyphen m ie. 003-m will give you Mega Venasuar
For Charizard use 006-mx and 006-my for the 2 different megas
For a Gigantamax use ID number hyphen gi ie. 025-gi will give you Gigantamax Pikachu
For some bonus pictures pikachu has -o -h -s -u -k -a -p -w check them out
Urfishu rapid strike is -r and his gigantamax is -rgi
Calyrex is -i -s
Darmanitan zen is -z and galar zen is -gz
Kyurem Fusion forms are 646-b and 646-w
Nekrozma forms are -dm -dw -m
Entering 000 will make a blank area that you can photoshop your own images
Click the link below if any other questions or suggestions are needed
Most text areas are editable, just click on them and delete the existing text within them
Almost all boxes will auto resize if you type alot
Avoid typing too much as it can mess up gradients and screenshots, general advice is use abreviations such as spd. sp.atk sp.def. ect.
Right click or hold down words to add them to dictonary to remove the annoying red line, I will look for ways to disable spell check
Max Moves correlate with the an attacking move, so make your moves first then add max moves, should auto be the correct type
Post Sync Move will add a second row of moves that can be used for pokemon that change moves after syncing, Select none for anymoves that wont change and the move will go away
Adding stats is now supported
Adding Stats and Max Moves will make taking a screenshot difficult, I recomend taking seperate screenshots to make everything look neat for now while I work on fixes
If using on desktop going full screen and zooming out can help taking a clean screenshot, avoid zooming out too far as it messes up the images, fixes coming soon
For best results upload a trainer png and try to not have any blank extra space
To Save your image the easy way just take a screenshot of your image
The New Download button will create a preview of your image and you can right click save that way or hold save if on mobile, it will try to auto download, might fail, read below
IMPORTANT! Image Download Only Works with Searchbar 3s images, serebbi has a block on there images
If you try downloading using the other 2 searchbars images the preview will have your pokemon be blank
The Download button is supposed to automatically download image but due to security purposes the browser might block it so right click downloading is required